Twitter is not fashion

Today Summer got some new tops for school and, believe me, the styles of the youth are different. Way different from what I would wear. I would look incredibly out of place, even if I were skinny and lanky. Oh, yeah, we’re not talking navy blue and khaki here. We’re not talking collars – nosireebob.

Twitter and tweets are youthful things too, but, hey you can try them without anyone staring at you – pointing and laughing and all that. So I signed up for twitter – not that I know what I am doing. But we will see . . .

2 thoughts on “Twitter is not fashion”

  1. Ah, my little Pottermom, the decade plus one between us is a crucial one. it is not that I am enamored of twitter . . . It is just that I need to feel I am not so old as to have no tweet left in me.

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