
Summer named our Christmas tree Bob, after Bob in “What About Bob?” and here is our progress so far.

Summer on the Christmas Tree Field Train, wearing her great-grandfather’s hat.

Alison and Summer – Alison is wearing my trapper Land’s End hat under her hood. It was not that cold but we let her do it because we thought it made her look really silly, and so we looked more normal.

Oops! No pictures from the actual obtaining of Bob.

Part of Bob’s ride home, but this wasn’t his view because he was in the trunk.

Grandma driving on I-69; Bob, of course, cannot see her. This is Summer’s view. Grandma is wearing Summer’s hat, by the way.

Traditional stop at Steak and Shake after getting the tree.

Bob at Steak and Shake; Bob wasn’t hungry.

Bob in Krinner stand but not yet freed; Sydney circling Bob, the tree in the house.

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