Bob is at the spa

Bob the Bear, not to be confused with Bob the Builder of whom I know almost nothing, came from the Ohio Redoubt for a sprucing up because even Der Bingle thought Bob might be a little . . . grungy. As I type, he is in the treatment machine. I was planning on waiting until everything was complete until posting, but when I looked at his before picture, I realized I may have to run fast when the lid opens on the, you know, treatment machine.

Image - Version 2

Friday – May 2nd – just the facts, ma’am

I am unmotivated today, as I was yesterday and the day before. However, it is Friday and if I can’t get motivated on a Friday, then I might as well turn in my “Some connection with Normalcy” card.

Decades ago Friday was the day I liked because I didn’t have to do my homework, even though I knew, KNEW, I’d be bemoaning it at 10pm on Sunday night.

I suppose I could wash my hair today; I saw my reflection in the car window when I was getting in to take Summer to school. It was kooky, even for me.

Oh, I know what I will do today: I will go around picking up my marbles.