Freezing again

Just got word of a 2-hour delay for today because of winter weather – ice, snow and wind chill – so that will throw a cog in the make-up snow day scheduling. Oh, well, it gives me an extra two hours before I have to “shoot the slalom run” on the downhill street that empties into the back side of the school parking lot. That route keeps you from encountering school buses on narrow streets both my the middle school and the high school, but it is itself a narrow street on which cars are allowed to park on one side.

Sometimes I think maybe somebody might park a car out there that they wouldn’t mind getting hit by one of those teenage drivers. Oh, such a mind I have.

I don’t know if I mentioned it or not, but the last time we had such a strong wind, the garbage bin lid whipped up and smacked me a good one on the forehead. I guess I live sort of a low-rent Garrison Keillor lifestyle sometimes,. (Without his politics)

I believe I’m feeling in the mood for a quick tempo-ed country song –  one with line such as “Frank jumped in and bit my leg”. * Oh, no, am I actually thinking of looking that up on itunes?

Aha, I found it  on YouTube.