Hyundai Sonata rental car

I’ve been driving a Hyundai Sonata rental car while mine has been in the shop. It is new, which is a nice treat. It is also very clean inside, which is definitely not AmeliaJake’s style – not that I am proud of that. I will always be a cluttered car lady, but I really should keep it cleaner.

The Hyundai has features to which I am not accustomed, such as a phone connection system. I did not try to use it, but it I did turn it on and the screen said it was trying to connect with specific names and phones. I shut it off. I do think one of the names had “Shakes” as a moniker included in the formal name. I thought Okaaaay, and pulled my hand back slowly.

The engine is extremely quiet, but the sound of the tires on the roadway is prominent in the cabin. That’s not a complaint; I’m just remarking on something that struck me as odd. I do like to hear the engine, reassuring me with its steady hum and its take charge firm voice when I have to pull out into traffic or pass someone.

I suppose the dashboard right in front of the driver could be a distraction: it keeps giving me all sorts of information. I don’t suppose it much different from other newer cars, but it does at times seem as if Herman Melville is in there, writing a car version of Moby Dick – or Leo Tolstoy and War and Peace.