More connected than you realize

I was on the computer today when a pop-up sent me on an investigation into a person I knew on a daily basis close to 30 years ago. In the wondrous world of data information in the ether, I had Google Circled some years back and forgot about it. But them this little circle of a picture appeared on the side of my computer and I knew who it was.

It being a Monday, and a cold one, and me being fond of puzzles, I decided to do some investigation on, of course, the Internet. Here I sit, just a little while later, totally unconnected by any wires to anything, and I have learned he has two replacement knees and family reunions.

And because I am nosy, I looked at some other people from that time . . . and then I went and looked in a mirror. Whoa, it is true. Time stops for no one.