WordPress 4.4

I would say I have officially been left behind. WordPress, over the years, has been updating and then nagging me to follow along. And I have; but now I am truly following blindly. Under the heading What’s New?, the people at WP pointed out some things and down at the bottom they had actually code to invigorate comment arguments.

You read that correctly and here’s the exact quote: New arguments in WP_Comment_Query make crafting robust comment queries simpler. falling back on the “Uh” used by people fumbling around for something to say, I feel the need to utter, “Uh, what are you talking about?” Of course, they are not talking; they are writing; I say this simply to indicate I am not an overwhelming idiot who flunked English and can’t discern the proper use of words, I was just expressing myself colloquially.

I do think one could make an argument that my posts could be more robust, but I don’t think that is what is being commented on here. Actually, what I believe it boils down to is giving computer code savvy people an easier and faster way to express the following universal exchange:


Then the more clever of the jousters will play the Trump card and perhaps go a pun too far and refer to Rubio’s Cube in relation to blockhead.

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