I’m smarter in the morning

I get up after getting quite a bit of sleep and I believe I’m smarter for a while. For instance, why should I be all upset about snarfle-faced, overly- whitened teeth JOE BIDEN even being considered as a presidential candidate? Centuries make up history – millennia. And more than that, even. I mean, whoa, that big crater in the Caribbean, deserts that were oceans, mountains that were seafloors and little one-celled life forms that must have been in awe when a two-celled Einstein appeared.

So, in the great bit expanse of everything, and in the little, tiny bit of time that I have here with my books and my French Silk Pie and my fascination with puzzles, is it really worth having a raging snit fit about JOE BIDEN? I really don’t suppose it is; however, it is, to an extent, quite enjoyable to become all worked up with arms waving around and foot-stomping and loud, concisely spit-out words that can’t come close to encompassing the buffoonery of the man (JOE BIDEN, in case you’ve forgotten).

When I’m gone and he’s gone, there will probably be a tombstone on his grave that has plagiarized quotes, along with an extended section that does quote him: “Now, we know that my I.Q. is higher than yours.” And what is it going to matter? Although, I do wonder if they will etch a picture of him with an inlay of brilliantly white marble teeth.