
I have a dental appointment at noon for a cleaning. I am not a person who looks forward to going to the dentist, even though it is so much better than it was when I had four wisdom teeth, an extra molar and four regular teeth extracted because my gums weren’t large enough to accommodate all of my teeth. Yes, I know my actual mouth is big – go figure.

So, it’s a routine visit and I hope I am not jinxing myself into a reaction from the hygienist that is along these lines: Oh, I’d better get the dentist to take a look at this, followed by: Oh, AJ, it looks as if we have a problem here.

When I have to go to the dentist, I spend the entire morning whining and sulking. I was blessed with fairly durable teeth and parents who were very vigilant, but I take advantage of the results generated by those two things and sort of get real lazy about tooth care. Especially flossing. Probably, I should eat popcorn every day to make flossing necessary. I mean, you can sit there and try to make suction to get a hull off a tooth or out from between teeth, but, ultimately, you have to floss.

There is so much work to do here and at the Lagrange house and I just want to party and be festive. I am having trouble working out a compromise. Aliens, if you want to abduct me, this would be a good time for me.