Letting it go

I am one of those people who, when I go against my instincts for logic, don’t remember the times I made the correct decision. Maybe there were none? I stew over the times I go against my intuition and wind up wrong. It doesn’t matter if it is a little smack or a SMACK – not the slightest bit.

That might not be true; it might be the littlest ones that gnaw at me. After all, a big SMACK can be quite a punch; I imagine that is Wailing Wall time not gnawing.

Sometimes I think of all the times in movies when the character has to go with his gut or logic and by doing the former, saves the Universe. (Well, maybe with Mr. Spock, it’s different.) I find myself thinking, “Boy, if that had been me, I’d be smithereens. What brought this topic up? Oh, just a word game. See, I told you about the small things and the gnawing. I made the mistake of visualizing it like the little monsters on the athletes foot commercial. I’d advise you not to do the same.

Because I have been writing about weather, I’ll just continue. We got more snow – enough to use the new snowblower I think. And it is still COLD. Very cold. Why am I obsessed with it being cold this year? I don’t know and I don’t care; it is not a major psychological issue with symbolism and transference and whatever. And, if it is, I still don’t care. I am too busy fussing about it being cold and snowy.

In fact, I have to do that now: go fuss.