Okay, I’m going to fast

Hey, I’m getting it over with; I’m fasting tonight and by the time I make it to the lab tomorrow to have my blood draw it will be oh, 13+ hours.  Fasting goes slowly sometimes, but at least it has started. Please, don’t let me forget and get up in the morning and in a daze eat a foldover.

Der Bingle has done a remarkable job dieting and now I am challenged to lose more weight – including the few extra pounds I regained this last month. I am inspired. The task is to stay inspired and I am toying with adopting an alternate personality to achieve this. I just need to feel out a list of characteristics and act out that personality and woo-hoo, there I am lighter, tighter and fitter. I’m certain there must be a computer app for alternate personalities.

I don’t know if it has the possibilities of plastic surgery – to go horribly wrong.  I check the wrong box and I’m a serial killer . . .

I am finally tired of putting the puzzles together in Cross Fingers. But I haven’t got a replacement obsession yet. I guess I’ll take care of that in my personality refitting app. I don’t think it will be tatting, though. I appreciate lace, but tat, tat, tat could become like Chinese water torture.

My ribs are feeling much better; the Aleve bottle is mostly empty, but that’s okay. I can climb stairs, sit down and get up, and can even pick something up from the floor without having to steel myself. I feel very lucky, since someone scooted the sofa back, which moved the dog back, which caused me to crash down  again. Fortunately, I fell on nothing except and expanse of floor – all the pressure evened out.

My house is a real example of a clutter museum; if someone wanted to straighten up things and organize, I suppose that would be all right, but I am not, nor will ever be, a housekeeper of librarian tendencies. Just think, if a volcano erupted and my house was the only one excavated in a couple of thousand years, scientists would call us the SlobPeople. Yes, one word.

Maybe I’m making the decision to fast too fast. Right there, is a tendency to express myself weirdly that can be eliminated in my alternate personality.


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