Before the jump

infamous picture

Shane likes this position, but he is on probation since he jumped out the window after a squirrel and almost gave Cameron a heart attack.

I think he needs a little navigator’s flight helmet – the leather kind – when he rides in the passenger seat. He has come to really like that seat and growled at Summer the other day when she suggested he move to the backseat. He prevailed.

I have spent the day re-reading The Lords of Discipline by Pat Conroy; I need to go back and start going over some more of the other good books I have read instead of letting myself get sucked in by a 99 cent Kindle book that sports an intriguing little plot description. My main problem is the nagging question: What happens next? Even if I have been wise and downloaded a sample and it turns out to be a crummy book, curiosity is a hard siren to fight. It may not kill the cat, but it uses up small sums of Kindle money that could be added up to purchase a well-written book.

4 thoughts on “Before the jump”

  1. Do you use book bub? I use it and only get the free books. Amazingly one or two turn out to be okay but gosh I wish there were more books offered of depth. I don’t do romances and that seems to be a lot of the free ones that I pass on.

  2. Um, I hate to state the obvious, but for the price of a trip to the library, you can get all the “free” reads you want. And most libraries have an extensive collection for free download. Sure, you don’t own them, but you don’t waste your money on less than stellar books.

  3. Yeah, I know and you are so right. I need to go and check it out (no pun intended). I have grown lazy with the development of electronic readers; I may take a couple of days a week when I include a stop at the library in my walks. My husband says my face gets so red when I walk I look as if I am going “to croak”, so I hope there will not be any unnecessary 911 calls when I do stop in.

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