Well, it’s Memorial Day . . . sort of

Yesterday was the Indianapolis 500. For almost forever, until modern times when holidays moved to Mondays to make three day weekends, the race was run on Memorial Day, unless Memorial Day fell on a Sunday. Now, they run the race on Sunday.

Things change.

I caught myself looking at the calendar on my laptop and thinking May 26th???? Has it malfunctioned? Oh, yeah, Memorial Day is no longer the 30th, it is whenever. I am old enough, though, that I can’t get the 30th out of my mind; yesterday I was thinking that in a couple of days, Subway would change to its June featured $5 sub.

Backtracking in time, Der Bingle and I took plants to two cemeteries Saturday morning. We had one minor problem when one pot fell over in Der Bingle’s trunk, but I had a bag of Miracle-Gro potting mix along and we got it fixed, although I think a small Dusty Miller might have gotten buried in the bottom of the pot. But I’m not sure.

Then we came back to the house and Der Bingle went to see Godzilla. That evening Summer managed to get me to agree to go to see X-Men with her and Cameron and Grandpa. She and I sat apart from those two Bozos, of course. Yes,for me Saturday ended as a sated popcorn day, but confused about just who are the good guys in X-Men. (It was the first one I’d seen in the series and that didn’t make it easier. I decided to just concentrate on the popcorn.)