A little bit of snow

The storm slid on a southwest to northeast slant south of us; Indianapolis got whammed and the snow reached up to the south of Fort Wayne. Der Bingle came up on I-75 in Ohio through slick snow, but entered a perfectly dry driveway here. It was cold here, though, and his car stood out in parking lots – it was the only one with crusted snow on it.

But last night, we had some and this morning we have a 2-hour delay at East Noble. I know; these trivial tidbits are boring. Our Christmas tree is up, but undecorated; that’s boring too. It does have a beautiful shape – maybe we should just go for the real nature look, although I do have that reel of colored lights I bought when the getting was good at Wal-Mart and carried around in my trunk for about a month.

Yes, I bought lights in November . . . because these days buying lights in December is too late. We could have a crazy decorating theme: one person holds the reel and another goes skipping through the house, letting the long, long strand play out. That would probably lead to tripping the light fantastic, which would lead to the ER.

I don’t know; maybe I should just wrap the lights around my head and flirt with electro-shock treatment. Or perhaps I already did that . . .