Not trashed

A few weeks ago I contacted the trash service in our area to pay my bill and ask about an additional trash unit. Well, the trash unit never showed up and it didn’t dawn on me that maybe the bill hadn’t been recorded. Then this week, the company tried to call me, only they did not have my phone number – it was someone else’s.  So my trash delivery got cut off. Oh, woe is me. I called them and found out my call had been registered but nothing more, so I arranged for another unit to be delivered. She said it would be here within the week – Oh, heavens, let it be soon. Really soon.

I just had to vent this because even though I didn’t get trashed, in this situation it is the pits and I am bummed out. Maybe I will discover that we threw something in the trash that was important . . . and we can still retrieve it. I doubt this is the case, but you never know where you might find a silver, though dirty, lining.

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