Scary 3 a.m. time

I’m up at three this morning; I probably will go back down in a little while. Right now, I’m afraid I might dream about the refrigerator being out in the yard, with pieces falling off of it. It was a struggle waking up from that dream to start with and I’m taking a breather.

Oh, my gosh, I just remembered another aspect of this dream. When I came running into the house to get help to bring the refrigerator in, I discovered the washer had shaken all its outer walls off and and  was steaming. I didn’t need to recall that, especially with people being okay with it. I mean, you’re standing there in amazement, yelling, “The washer has no walls!” and oh, hum, here comes someone with a load of clothes.

I need to think of something else before, alas, what more memories of dreams may come?

Great, I have Thinker’s Block. But now, fortunately, a picture of the block of stone of The Thinker has popped into my mind. My mind may take some strange paths but right now, this is  better than the Tennessee Williams appliance stuff.

Ah, but there’s not too much you can think about The Thinker at this hour. I need something more engrossing; perhaps I should read a little . . .