Sigh, just sigh

Yesterday we took Robert down to the ortho doctor because the ankle he demolished in 2006 is acting up again; he is wearing his orthopedic boot now and when he sits down, it sticks out if front of him. I knew this and yet I walked past the loveseat on the porch the way I normally do and tripped over it.

I went down hard and squarely on my kneecap and it hurt and then it didn’t hurt much anymore. It looked okay and continued to do so until about three this afternoon when I looked down at my knee and thought, “Is that a ridge growing out of it?” I called to Alison who came out and said it was growing and that you almost expected it to start talking to you. So, since it was Friday afternoon . . . well, I went to the ER, in a peg-legged sort of way.

I had x-rays and found out nothing was cracked, broken or dislocated. It is severely contused they say and I have a prescription for pain medicine because I believe they think in the middle of the night, it may feel different than it does now. So here I sit with my leg in a compression bandage and instructions to stay off of it as much as I can for a while.

I suppose I should have fish for supper . . . because I’ve got a fine kettle of them.

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