Well, this is a great note

My grandmother used to say that, when something untoward happened. Lilio (see post below) were going to take a road trip to the nursing home to see Katheryn Feller when the phone rang and it was Robert and Alison calling from a car sitting on Fairview Bvld with its hazard lights blinking because the engine had died.

So I went over and, of course, had to say, “Here, let ME try to start it.” It cranked but wouldn’t turn over, and we had it towed. As of right now, the spark plugs are getting no spark food. We will see; but, in the meantime, I am staying close to home in case a car is needed. (We’ll go see Kathryn tomorrow.)

It’s an ill wind that blows no good, though, because my hunch app told me to turn into Scott’s and I got some ground sirloin and four rolls of Laura Lean at manager special prices.

I’m boring, aren’t I? We are looking for some warm clothes for Lilio and Rose had sent word she needs to be a little puritanized; I don’t know if we’ll have bloomer over her grass skirt or not. I’ll try and moderate Rose and perhaps she’ll settle for a Raggedy Ann style dress and lumber jack boots.

We were going to download some pictures of Lilio and Emily but while fooling with the camera, Summer and I came across some shots of her wearing a broken plastic hanger on her nose and making faces. (Should I post one of not . . . anonymously?) At that time, we were laughing to hard to trust ourselves with expensive electronic devices, so the download is later and probably when Summer is not around.