
Aha! I was right; we were inundated with Trick or Treaters on Kendallville’s Friday night scheduled “Halloween”. Alison ran out of candy and, believe me, that is saying something. One little visitor at the end reached two hands into the cauldron and pulled out two fistfuls of candy. Robert, Alison and the other kids were SHOCKED. I took pictures, but was absent when the little outlaw struck so we have no wanted poster.

But, as I said, I do have other pictures. ( I went through the gallery picture by picture and indicated the ones to show . . . and somehow not everything worked out that way. I am not going to do it again. I’m just not.)

2 thoughts on “Halloween”

  1. Halloween isn’t the same in the daylight, is it?
    Years ago we weren’t home for Halloween, which isn’t usually a problem because we live out in the boonies. But this year we knew a few neighborhood kids were going to stop by, so we set a bowl of candy out on the front porch (a whole bowl). When we got home the candy and THE BOWL were gone!!! Now all the neighbor kids had to be driven to our house by our parents. I found it amazing that some kid could fit that whole bowl into their trick or treat sack and a parent never noticed. AND when they got home the parent didn’t wonder where the bowl came from! Anyway, it was no big deal and still makes for a good story years later.

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