Just lying here

Stretched out, head propped up, getting ready for Kindle reading. That’s me.  I have not watched much TV at all since I got my Kindle. But I don’t think that’s the only reason I haven’t been watching Breaking Bad and then taking great delight in recounting the convoluted plot to Der Bingle.

I just can’t feel comfortable  watching after Jesse shot Gale point blank. That might seem strange since I was not upset with the evil drug dealers head being cut off his body and mounted on a tortoise and fitted out as a bomb. Yes, it was a booby-trapped head – on a tortoise. Thought I’d repeat it in case you missed it the first time around.

And I watched it when Jesse forgot to put a plastic liner in the tub when they were using acid and it ate its way through the tub and the floor and a bunch of goop landed on the first floor.

But Jesse committing murder just took it out of the “this is so crazy, it’s not real” category for me. Of course, though, I want to know how it ends so I’ve peaked at the reviews – and I’ll be doing it next year as well for 15 or 16 more episodes. Maybe in the final finale, it will all turn out to be a wild daydream while Jesse sat in Walt’s chemistry class.

I doubt it.