Hair continued

Scizzor Worx – tomorrow at nine.

Me in the chair; Donna with the coloring stuff and the scizzors.

I am going to go with the flow – or floe – however you want to picture me: riding a canoe or sitting on an ice floe. Ah, my mind is tired and I am trending toward drivel. Let me drop my hand into the cold, cold sea off my imagined floe and get more alert.

I don’t think it worked.

I have thin hair at the temple and that thin hair is also very fine hair. I think the rest of my head is well-covered but the hair is very fine so I don’t get any body in it. Being short doesn’t help because everyone can look at the top of my head.

Gee, all this hair talk has made me realize I have to pluck my chin. Sigh.

2 thoughts on “Hair continued”

  1. Good luck and have fun. Chin hair, hate it!! Upper lip waxing, hate it!!! Nose hair, hate it!!!! Wish my Handyman didn’t look so good, maybe I wouldn’t be so vain.

  2. I’d like to know why chin hair is thicker, courser, darker than any other hair on earth….. and it grows overnight to obscene lengths.

    My hair has no body unless it is short so short I keep it. I think I had it to my shoulders once in my life and hated it. I’m getting it cut off again on Tuesday….. Courtney comes to my house and does it…. $20 for a cut. She used to work at a salon but got a different job and just cuts hair in clients homes in the evenings now. Makes it really convenient and the whole family lines up and gets shorn.

    Short. I didn’t picture you short. Hmmmm….. now I have to get a new picture in my head.

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