
I didn’t say anything because Sydney seemed to come around after acting sick on Friday evening; I took him to the vet on Saturday and his temperature was normal, but we did the usual blood draw and he has pancreatitis again with some liver involvement.

Well, darn, darn, darn and darn.

WE will be running over at 4 pm for a pain shot and an antibiotic shot. I am wearing my green T-shirt with the yellow tipping cow logo from Ohio.. Maybe I’ll change . . . into my pastel blue one with the white logo that LZP sent. It’s a bit more dignified, don’tcha know.

Sydney is beside me now, not on his sickbed, but on the sick-sofa-corner. I brought him my pillow and an afghan.


I have not been exaggerating

I know I have been droning on about rainy days being so plentiful. It has not been my imagination. Driving Cameron to school this morning, I was struck by the visual evidence of our situation. Things looked different – but what? Then it hit me, all the lawns were smooth and even, stretching one into another like an endless fairway.

Of course, people were able to mow on Saturday and trim bushes. Before, the route had seemed lined by a strip of chickenpox grass. You know . . . bump, bump, bump, bump.

However, as far as getting the deck repainted – and we are considering incorporating a design – it’s about seven days of predicted storms and showers. So we will have time to plan out just what colors we are going to use and the sequence in which we need to apply out painter’s tape.

On the other hand, maybe we should have a Jackson Pollock deck. I suppose paint guns from the porch roof is an option. Oh, well, maybe not anymore since the new porch roof has an incline to it