Grand Weed of the Dandelion Federation

A Gnomist, the Grand Weed of the Dandelion Federation, is shown in this secret photo. Note: The Grand Weed often wears sunglasses on his face as well as his shirt.

Although scouts  pull reconnaissance duty – going  through neighborhoods, looking for lush green lawns to invade –  the GW*  has been known to make forays of his own as he relives his days in the ranks. You know, out in the field – so to speak – sizing up potential locations.

That is what he was doing when this – did we mention secret – photo was taken.

We also have a photo of The Grand Weed making Dandelion Angels in a lawn that was carpeted by the little yellow insurgents. Because to publish it would give away the identity of our agent, we will wait until we have safely brought him in from the yellow.

*Any resemblance to Santa Claus is purely coincidental.