Thinking about nothing

Driving to Mother’s yesterday, I started thinking about nothing, literally. I think about it periodically; I can’t remember when I started, but I was little. I know I lack the mental ability to get to the bottom of this nothingness question, but it fascinates me anyway.

It’s a nothing/space question, really. Like what is at the end of the universe? Nothing. Well, how long does this “nothing” stretch and when it ends, what is there? Nothing. Or the old you circle back in a dimension you don’t know about and can’t understand to where you started answer. Well, a circle or let’s be liberal, a globe, has an inside and outside, so what is outside my circle path? I suppose it is some form of nothing.

We’re blending into forever here . . . as in what happens when the time’s up in forever? I feel my brain when I delve into this area; I believe I can actually feel the little electric messages going back and forth in confusion and panicking. I haven’t heard them scream, YOU ARE TOO STUPID TO THINK ABOUT THIS yet, but it is only a matter of time. Or they don’t have enough function left to express that truth.

Of course, nothing is empty space. I guess you can make nothing by sucking everything out of a enclosed cube. But then you have “empty space” if you want to call it that. I suppose anything that can be defined is something, even if it is empty space.  So, when we get out way past the stuff in the universe, past every darn electron, mathematics still exist and I would think you could still have a defined cube with nothing in it.

What is after empty space? Nothing? Auuggggghhhhh.

Quite seriously, forget the “oh, they look like ants” mentality and think about how far away you can get on a straight line from where you are. And none of that “the straight line actually bends” crap; I am talking a theoretical straight line. Now if space curves, my theoretical straight line should part company with the galactic one, going off on a tangent, so to speak. Well, where does it go? Into nothing? And what is this nothing.

It happened, I have gone in a circle and am back where I started.

Rose, could you come over and rub my head?