Shane again

Shortly after I posted the pictures of Shane without his Elizabethan collar following his neutralization procedure, he started bothering his tiny incision. We had to put the cone on him. Shane does not take easily to the cone; in fact, he has trouble functioning. Last evening as I stood at the kitchen sink, I heard a thump and turned to see Shane walk into a cabinet; I sighed. A couple of minutes later, I turned around in time to see him give up and just slide to the floor, cone still against the cabinet door.

Backing up . . . this is rocket science?

I’m sorry, Shane, that was unkind. It just seems so unbelievable. You launch yourself in the air to catch a ball or your wubba and you have trouble  taking a couple of steps back? Where is your derring-do? Incapacitated by the cone of krptonite?

You slept in it last night, but you came before six and looked at me . . . and I took it off. I guess we both are in trouble now.