Finally back

I lost my watch before DST started and found it last week, then lost it and found it this morning. I forgot it was on standard time and thought we got home at about a quarter past seven, but, aha, my computer reminds me it is an hour later. Cameron bailed and so Summer and I went up and mowed, but first we had to jump the battery on The Wheel Horse. We mowed the North Field like snow plows go down the road, staggered. And after a while I realized our mowers were set at different heights.

Oh, earlier I caught a piece of hidden outdoor carpet in the blades when I got a wee bit too close to an overgrown area. And Summer mowed herself right up on Mother’s golf mound and realized all the other part of the circumference was quite steep. So she circled tightly and came back down. I didn’t see this happening until she was up on the mound. All I could think was, “Nooooooooo, don’t try to go down the north side. That would have been bad.

As it was she stepped on a board the wind had blown over and it had a nail in it and she has a puncture wound in her foot. I told her we’d get a tetanus shot in the next couple of days, although I think the one she had is still effective. Hours later, all the way home, she asked questions about wondering if her jaw was getting tight.

We took a break in mowing and watched The Pink Panther and ate peanut butter foldovers. When we went looking for the electric mower, we had to find keys for three sheds and we found it in the third, along with a five speed Schwinn. The chain and gears aren’t right so she worked on them for awhile but we’re going to have to research and then take it to a repairman.

Oh, the Yoder Girls came over to ask about a birdbath Mother had and I was able to give them some money to cover the milk they have been taking to the outdoor cat that is too scared to allow itself to be found. They are my age and a bit younger. Summer came up to me afterward and asked, “They are the  Yoder Girls????” and I explained they had been The Yoder Girls for some 50 years now.

We brought the electric mower home in the backseat since it wouldn’t totally fit in the trunk; we did try the trunk ride with the tied down lid but it bounced a lot of the way to Howe so we stopped at a convenience place and moved it from trunk to backseat. Acting nonchalant as cars traveled down the busy highway took concentration; we turned it this way and that and I crawled in the other side and pulled and she pushed and we got it in. Then we jumped in and hightailed it out of there – still looking nonchalant.

Needless to say, Sydney is tired tonight. I might be also. Summer will probably stay up most of the night keeping track of her possibly locking jaw.

So, what about today?

This is a straight forward question. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to answer it: Have to get mowers going, here and at Mother’s. But I am taking grandkids and they bicker and get hungry and I’m sure there are other treats waiting for me. We need to take the mower with the bent blade from here up to Mother’s so I can take it over to the Amish repairman; we need to mow the lawn up there; we need to bring back a mower to mow down here. Maybe I’ll bring back the little electric since I know I want the thrill of running over the cord. Oh, yeah.

To go, we need ice, soda, snacks, the dog, dog eats and dog snacks and I must not forget the bag of keys. Oh, rats, I just remembered the fiasco of the needs-to be-repaired-ramp . . . that would be the one that is related to the split two by four. And don’t forget, Summer wants to wear the motorcycle helmet while she rides the mower.

It looks like none of the crew here at the cafe & roadhouse is eager to help. Spikey just looked at me and mumbled, “Party last night – go away.” I wasn’t invited . . . so I am showing you Spikey with her bed hair.

Well, seeya, I’ve got to go out there and carpe diem.