Curbside spruce – blue

Today was climb up on the stepladder, which was leaning against the blue spruce tree trunk, and saw off some of the lower branches. It needed to be done; the tree towers over the house, but the bottom was looking ragged. The air conditioner sits right beside it and the driveway is on the other side and as time passed, the branches next to the air conditioner dried out and died and fell off. The branches by the driveway tried to encroach upon the passageway of the cars and there was confrontation. For awhile on that side, we pruned. But pruning a drooping blue spruce branch sort of results in a pom-pom type bottom.

The whole thing was lop-sided. It took me about three years to pick up the saw, however, because, gosh, it’s a tree. Today I did it.

And then I dragged some of the trimmings to the curb. Cameron dragged the rest. Alison looked out and exclaimed, “There’s a tree on the parkway!” Well . . . sort of. We will plant some ground cover when we figure out what would look okay. Maybe a bed of spikes: