Long day

Ah, yesterday was a long day. I started this post at about 10 pm and I opened my computer to see it staring at me – just the title, nothing else. I don’t know what happened really between then and now, except that I obviously closed the lid. For my mother to worry about being sick, finally go to the doctor and come to think she was fixably ill and then, boom, to find out she has advanced pancreatic cancer is a terrible thing for her to have to face. To know you are alive and that soon you will not be so . . . beyond accepting. To go from promising to eat better and build up your strength on one day and choosing hospice on the next is . . .

And that is where we are at this time. We are at life’s grammatical three dots that say we are at a loss to truly describe what is coming in the next minutes.

One thought on “Long day”

  1. one of my favorite quotes from Broken Trail is;
    We’re all travelers in this world. From the sweet grass to the packing house. Birth ’til death. We travel between the eternities.

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