Throat accident

Okay, they need to put one more warning on prescription bottles, along with the dizziness and the driving and heavy machinery and grapefruit and so forth; they need a big sticker that says, “Don’t take this unless you have something to drink in each reach.” I tossed a blood pressure pill on my tongue, thinking oh, I’ll grab a swallow of Diet Coke when I go by the porch party cooler.

I got distracted and somehow the pill got on the back of my throat and did not gag me – no, it just sat there until I felt this burning. It was like a bee sting – it increased. After two Diet Cokes and a few minutes of trying not to breathe a lot and draw air over the irritated spot, it is getting better. I think oral mucous has come to the rescue. I never truly thought I would ever say this, but thank gott for snot and phlegm.

Oh, and if any of you have trouble remembering how to spell phlegm, just keep in mind “leg” is in the middle. And to remember that hint, think of foot in the mouth, which logically just HAS to lead you to connect leg and throat. That was for you, Der Bingle – I know my little spelling tricks drive you almost crazy. Oh, and Quentin, do you remember the little spelling tricks I would foist on you while waiting for the bus in West Chester? Or have you been able to repress them?

Things like C-O-N-C-E-N-T-R-A-T-E  . . .  if you don’t have cent in the middle, the end doesn’t rate. hahahahahahahahahaah.

One thought on “Throat accident”

  1. I love it, I used to use little memory tricks for spelling words with my kids. Unfortunately they usually forgot them. lol

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