Frozen in

Well, yes the door to the backyard from the porch will not open – it is frozen. I think the wind swirled freezing rain and snow into every crevice in that location. Fortunately, the back vestible door is working and Sydney was able to get out. But we are not going anyway – the car doors are iced closed and the roads are slick.

And, of course, there is NO SCHOOL.

Cameron and Summer came to tell me and then waited for my customary “Noooooooooooooooo!”

Yesterday was sunny and I was at the mall. I had chow mein for lunch in the food court. Today I am here and I guess lunch will be a peanut butter crunchy foldover.

Not too crowded yesterday . . . the day before the ice storm.

One week and it will be Christmas. I think I would like it to be two weeks until Christmas and the calendar just stay there for awhile. Alison is after me to get a picture of the tree and I keep forgetting so perhaps I will have a picture of a pile of needles for Christmas 2008. Oh, I kid. I will do it and I bet I’ll even post it.

Oh, gee, just remembered that I have pictures still in the camera of the Chick-Fil-A cow dressed in a Santa suit at Glenbrook’s food court.

Is this a beefeater I see before me?

Alison’s chinese food; my chow mein was shy.

Cow looking at me.

As I said, I was eating chow mein so the cow didn’t glare at me . . . the way he/she did at the man eating Burger King.

UPDATE: The car is covered in ice – I mean if you could pop the actually car out, you would have a perfect crystal clear ice mold. The car is also frozen to the driveway; Allen County is on a Level 2 emergency and it is not supposed to get above 31 here.