stacking firewood

Sitting down, cooling off, drinking iced tea . . . becasue we stacked firewood this morning. A loadful. I don’t know how much that is because the fellow we buy wood from – David Reidenbach – has always sold it in loads. Maybe at one time my mother and father knew. We now have a new wood/old wood double stack by the back vestibule door and lots of dry wood in other places. I’m told it is to be a cold winter so I guess I’ll probably be ordering one more load.

I think when Summer was little she thought we were saying the back ‘vegetable’. Today she did her share of stacking and is being treated to a lunch at Wendy’s – which, of course, exists in another dimension from the PBC&R.


I’ve come back to say I’ve done my perspiring and I love the way my mind and body feel when the roots of my hair are wet from physical work in the sun.