July 26th

We are having a party here at the Peanut Butter Cafe & Roadhouse to celebrate Der Bingle’s friend’s birthday today. We won’t type the number . . . because someone here is going to be that age in one month and one day. (But for right now, she is not . . . sorry, just a little ill-conceived ha ha there. Well, hmmm, you can guffaw when she is “that number”  and what do they say? He that laughs last, last best? But, of course, he will  be laughing last because it’s one month and one day later. hahahahahahah. Uh, sorry again.)

Deep breath here as we continue to settle down and wish our Georgia buddy a Happy Birthday and work some more on his present – yes, a present being made with our own little hands. We are too silly this morning; we will come back later.